Cognitive Ability Test

What is a Cognitive Ability test?

A cognitive ability test is a type of assessment that employers use to evaluate your thinking skills. It’s all about how you process information, solve problems, and make decisions. Unlike tests that focus on specific job skills, this one looks at general mental abilities like memory, reasoning, attention to detail, and your ability to understand and manipulate different types of information.

Cognitive ability tests vary in their structure, but they commonly include 20 to 50 multiple-choice questions. These questions are designed to assess key aspects of cognitive ability and need to be answered within a strict time frame.

This page provides a comprehensive list of the most widely-used cognitive ability tests, along with a free shortened cognitive ability test for you to try.

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What Questions can I expect in a Cognitive Ability Test?

In a cognitive ability test, you can expect a variety of questions that challenge different parts of your brain. While cognitive ability tests come in various formats and levels of difficulty, they fundamentally aim to evaluate the following areas:

  • Numerical Reasoning:
    This encompasses tests of number-related cognitive skills, ranging from simple arithmetic to complex numerical problem-solving tasks.
  • Logical Reasoning:
    These questions challenge you to understand complex texts and use critical thinking to draw conclusions, recognize key facts, and make logical deductions.
  • Deductive Reasoning:
    In these questions, you need to draw logical conclusions from specific rules or statements presented to you.
  • Verbal Reasoning:
    These tests measure your understanding of the English language, covering aspects like vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and the ability to reason critically.
  • Abstract Reasoning:
    These tests assess your ability to discern patterns or logical sequences in symbols or matrices, often asking you to identify a missing element that completes a logical series based on hidden rules or information.
  • Spatial Ability:
    Spatial ability tests involve visualizing and manipulating shapes in your mind, focusing on tasks like rotating objects or interpreting 2D and 3D forms. They assess your skill in understanding spatial relationships and patterns.

How are Cognitive Ability Tests Used?

Employers use cognitive ability tests to gauge how well candidates might handle the mental demands of a job. It’s a way to predict your ability to learn new things, adapt to changes, and solve problems that could come up in the role you’re applying for. These tests are just one part of the recruitment process, but they provide valuable insight into your general mental agility and potential as an employee.

Common Types of Cognitive Ability Tests

Cognitive ability tests, though aimed at assessing similar skills, differ greatly in length, time constraints, and level of challenge. Below, you’ll find a selection of the most widely-used cognitive tests available today. Click on the links provided to learn how each test evaluates cognitive abilities:

  • Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT)
    The CCAT is designed to measure critical thinking, problem-solving skills, reasoning ability, and learning capacity. It comprises 50 multiple-choice questions and has a time limit of 15 minutes.
  • Universal Cognitive Aptitude Test (UCAT)
    The UCAT serves as the language-independent alternative to the CCAT. This test includes 40 multiple-choice questions and is administered within a 20-minute time limit.
  • Talogy Logiks General Intermediate
    Talogy (formerly Cubiks) Logiks Intermediate consists of 50 questions with a total time limit of 12 minutes. The test includes three sub-tests: Verbal, Numerical, and Abstract.
  • Talogy Logiks General Advanced
    The advanced version consists of 30 questions with a combined 20-minute time limit. The test also includes three sub-tests: Verbal, Numerical, and Abstract.
  • McQuaig Mental Agility Test (MMAT)
    The MMAT evaluates vocabulary, verbal reasoning skills, and proficiency in basic mathematical functions. It consists of 50 questions to be completed within a 15-minute time limit, covering mathematical ability, verbal reasoning, and vocabulary.
  • Revelian Cognitive Ability Test (RCAT)
    The RCAT is a timed multiple-choice test that measures general cognitive ability. The test includes 51 questions to be answered within a time limit of 20 minutes.
  • Predictive Index Cognitive Assessment Test (PICA)
    The PICA assesses cognitive ability through three categories: verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and abstract reasoning. The PICA consists of 50 questions with a time limit of only 12 minutes.
  • Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT)
    The WPT is a cognitive ability test that assesses an individual’s problem-solving and learning abilities. This Wonderlic test consists of 50 multiple-choice questions that must be completed in 12 minutes.
  • Thomas International General Intelligence Assessment (GIA)
    The GIA consists of five sub-tests and includes a total of about 200 questions in less than 20 minutes.
  • Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)
    The HBRI evaluates reasoning and problem-solving and includes 24 questions with a time-limit of 30 minutes.

Free Cognitive Ability Test

Try a free simulated cognitive ability test.
This test will measure your overall cognitive ability across four sections.

Cognitive Ability Test

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