Verbal Aptitude Test

Critical Thinking Test

What is a Critical Thinking test?

A Critical Thinking test, also known as a critical reasoning test, determines your ability to reason through an argument logically and make an objective decision. You may be required to assess a situation, recognize assumptions being made, create hypotheses, and evaluate arguments.

What questions can I expect?

Questions are likely based on the Watson and Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal model, which contains five sections designed to assess how well an individual reasons analytically and logically. The five sections are:

Arguments: In this section, you are tested on your ability to distinguish between strong and weak arguments. For an argument to be strong, it must be both significant and directly related to the question. An argument is considered weak if it is not directly related to the question, of minor importance, or confuses correlation with causation, which is the incorrect assumption that correlation implies causation.

Assumptions: An assumption is something taken for granted. People often make assumptions that may not be correct. Being able to identify these is a key aspect of critical reasoning. A typical assumption question will present a statement and several assumptions, and you are required to identify whether an assumption has been made.

Deductions: Deduction questions require you to draw conclusions based solely on the information provided in the question, disregarding your own knowledge. You will be given a passage of information and must evaluate whether a conclusion made from that passage is valid.

Interpretation: In these questions, you are given a passage of information followed by a proposed conclusion. You must consider the information as true and decide whether the proposed conclusion logically and undoubtedly follows.

Inferences: Inference involves drawing conclusions from observed or supposed facts. It is about deducing information that is not explicitly stated but implied by the given information. For example, if we find a public restroom door locked, we infer that it is occupied.

Critical Thinking example:

Read the following statement and decide whether the conclusion logically follows from the information given.

Statement: Every librarian at the city library has completed a master’s degree in Library Science. Sarah is a librarian at the city library.

Conclusion: Sarah has completed a master’s degree in Library Science.

Does this conclusion logically follow from the statement?

Answer Options:

Explanation: Select your answer to display explanation.

The statement establishes that every librarian at the city library has completed a master’s degree in Library Science. Since Sarah is identified as a librarian at this library, it logically follows that she has completed a master’s degree in Library Science. The conclusion is a direct inference from the given information.

Where are Critical thinking tests used?

Critical thinking tests are commonly used in educational institutions for admissions and assessments, particularly in courses requiring strong analytical skills. In the professional realm, they are a key component of the recruitment process for roles demanding problem-solving and decision-making abilities, and are also utilized in internal promotions and leadership development. Additionally, these tests are integral to professional licensing and certification in fields like law and medicine, and are employed in training and development programs across various industries.

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Critical Thinking Test

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